All applications for grants should be sent to the administrator at the registered office, a few weeks before the scheduled trustees' meetings. The application window for every quarter, and the nominal deadline, is posted at Latest News, and is constantly updated. The volume of applications is now very high, and the trustees invariably close the nominal deadline well before the initial end. Applicants therefore are advised not to wait until the end of the quarter before submission, the earlier the application the more considered the first appraisal.
Applications (there is no set form) should include the following:
1. A clear and concise statement of the project, whether the award sought will be for the whole project or a component part. State what the status of the applicant/organisation is: charity, CIC, registered company, etc.
2. Evidence that there is a clear benefit to the public, i.e., does the project conform with the declared object of the trust as set out in the introduction.
3. The amount requested should be specified, or a band indicated. Is this the only source of funding being sought? All other sources of funding should be indicated, including those that have refused the applicant.
4. Is the grant requested part of the match-funding required by the Heritage Lottery Foundation (HLF) following an award? If so state the amount of that award and the percentage of match-funding required by the HLF and the completion date.
5. Wherever possible an annual report and accounts should accompany the application, as may any other supporting information deemed relevant.
Applications should be supplied in digital form and hard copy, which should not be stapled; accounts and other supporting information may be supplied in digital, or hard copy. An e-mail contact is required with any application or enquiry. Most applications will be subject to a first appraisal; applicants who fail the first appraisal will be notified by e-mail. In almost all instances the trustees make their decisions at the quarterly determination meeting and applicants are notified by post, or email, within the following week.
Second or further applications will not be considered until a minimum of 12 months has elapsed since the determination of the previous application, whether successful or not.
How to apply for a grant