The APPLICATION WINDOW for the trustees'  Winter Meeting will soon be open. 



The next trustees' quarterly determination meeting will be in late February 2025; the window for applications for consideration at this meeting will open on Monday 2 December 2024, and close on Sunday 2 February.  As always once the applications received are the maximum number that can be adequately considered the window is closed. In the last quarter an exceptionally large number of applications resulted in the window closing two weeks ahead of the nominal date. 




UPDATED 26 November 2024



Applications are requested in both digital, and hard copy; accounts and other supporting information need no longer be sent in hard copy only - but a web link must be provided for these. 












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The Golsoncott Foundation

TRUSTEES: Josephine Lively (Chairman); Dame Penelope Lively; Stephen Wick; Dr Harriet Harvey Wood OBE; Isobel Wick;

Eliza Thompson; Emilio Salice

Charity Registration No. 1070885

The Golsoncott Foundation
The Golsoncott Foundation